EVERSLEY CHILDS SANITARIUM v. SPOUSES ANASTACIO PERLABARBARONA G.R. No. 195814 APRIL 4, 2018 J. Leonen Unlawful Detainer, Jurisdiction
FACTS: Eversley is a public health facility operated by the DOH primarily to administer care and treatment to leprosy patients. Since 1930, it has occupied a portion of a parcel of land denominated as Lot No. 1936 in Jagobiao, Mandaue City, Cebu. Spouses Barbarona allege that they are the owners of Lot No. 1936 by… Read More EVERSLEY CHILDS SANITARIUM v. SPOUSES ANASTACIO PERLABARBARONA G.R. No. 195814 APRIL 4, 2018 J. Leonen Unlawful Detainer, Jurisdiction